Customized Issue Resolution and Feedback

Build forms for new orders, complaints, feedbacks and more.

Build your own forms with custom fields

From customer feedback, employee feedback to issue reporting, build forms that suits your need.

build custom feedback forms for your requirements

Extensive Analysis and Reports

Ensure timely issue resolution, keeping both employees and customers satisfied, backed by thorough reports and analysis.

detailed analysis of feedbacks and issues

Customized responses

Send custom messages to your clients and employees, letting them know that you are hard at work, trying to fix their issues.

build custom messages for your clients and employees

End-to-end issue assignments and resolution

KaizIQ Issue Resolution and Feedback offers a transparent and straightforward way to report issues, share feedback, and manage tickets. Everyone involved can track ticket assignments and escalations.

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Convert tickets to tasks

Automatically convert to a task and assign to your team members with the click of a button.

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In-Built connection with the WhatsApp AI BOT

KaizIQ integrates seamlessly with the WhatsApp BOT, allowing users to track and update on the go.

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Tag Tickets with Labels for Analysis

Build up a repository of your customer base, And always be ready with individual reports.